
Outdoor Production


有效的戶外標牌可以宣傳您的品牌,引起購物者的興趣, 當櫥窗展示停滯不前時,顧客就看不到它們了。 把事情鬧大, 無論您的商店是在繁忙的十字路口的拐角處還是隱藏在小街上,您的招牌展示都可從遠處引人注目。

ffective outdoor signage can promote your brand and generate interest among shoppers, who can’t see them when window displays are stagnant. Make it big Whether your store is on the corner of a busy intersection or tucked away in a side street, your sign display can stand out from a distance.

Beautify Environment​



Amenity beautification brings about a more harmonious form, architectural quality, and color of utility buildings. Moderate the appearance of concrete buildings, sedimentation tanks, pump rooms, exhaust pipes, fences and open spaces

Wecreation Ltd. | 政東廣告制作公司
Rm 04, 8/F Fuk Hong industrial building, No.60-62 Tong Mei Road, Mongkok, KLN Hong Kong | 香港旺角塘尾道60-62號福康工業大廈8樓04室
Phone: +852 6998 8816 | Email: info@wecreation.com.hk

Wecreation HK Ltd. | 政東廣告制作公司
Rm 04, 8/F Fukang Industrial Building,
60-62 Tong Mi Road, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 9876 5432
Email: info@wecreation.com.hk

© 2023 Wecreation Ltd. All rights reserved.